Comments on: How to Be Unforgettable on a Date Have The Love Life You Want Mon, 08 Aug 2022 19:54:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathleen sent you a private message! View Message: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 08:13:27 +0000 fwoi1b

By: Sian Sun, 29 May 2022 14:08:56 +0000 I honestly can say that this video came at such a great time: I’m having my first date soon and I’m VERY nervous. Not that he’s not a great guy, I’m just awkward as hell

By: Paul Pryce Mon, 23 May 2022 05:34:50 +0000 Good boundaries

By: joelle carlysle Sun, 22 May 2022 22:21:39 +0000 story trumping lol!.. ive never heard it put like that.. i hate that.. its like “um, ok.. are we trying to get to know each other or is this a contest and a competition i didnt know i was in… :? ” lol…… its one thing just also sharing a similar experience and the joy in it, which i do from time to time.. and then there’s that.. i really like the really being present to hear what someone is really saying.. and even if someone isnt being honest and transparent.. if we are present enough with that active listening we can sift through the lines of what they only want to present to us.. which i have to end up doing more than often to be honest.. its only seldom someone speaks to meand i dont have to do that work.. every now and again when it happens , of course it take me by surprise.. for one.. then next that they could somehow communicate to me on eye level :/ :).. and when it happens.. its really like im blindsided, but in a sweet -thoughtful intricate kind of way…. if that makes any sense.

i did check out that interview at **.. and it was really candid lol.. thats the more unfiltered you i imagine lol.. altho i didnt get time yet to read the pick apart you mentioned your brother did of you.. i will when i have some time to read it.. but i loved that interview as well.. seems thats the you.. the masses wouldnt really be able to handle lol

By: Heidi Sun, 22 May 2022 21:42:08 +0000 Thank you so much for your knowledge and sharing. I wonder what to do when one’s date doesn’t stop to draw breath? How does one actually get to say something in the conversation without interjecting and being rude? Thanks again.
