Comments on: How to Heal From a Narcissistic Relationship Have The Love Life You Want Mon, 24 Jun 2024 20:14:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Mon, 24 Jun 2024 15:27:26 +0000 This information about narcissism
Was very powerful , especially the points about letting people have power over you and expecting them to make you happy , give you peace and fulfill your needs. I grew up in a very dysfunctional and sometimes very abusive home . I have in my adult relationships relived the same type of dysfunctional and controlling relationships that I had as a child . Even though I have done counseling , this article explained most clearly what the issue had been and how to resolve it . Thank you so.

By: Gail Mon, 24 Jun 2024 11:28:48 +0000 I liked what you said to Cara, who has obviously had a very difficult life. But I was looking for more details about the narcissistic relationship, and how she could escape that. Also something about her children and current living situation, support systems.

By: Suha Audren-Cassim Mon, 24 Jun 2024 10:10:45 +0000 Wow. advise. Well analysed and you hit the spot. Many things stood out especially when you said you are not here to make everyone happy to find validation and you are not your mistakes. And cutting out the self pity and saying what makes you special. and they were all valuable and on point. I need to re watch it and make a note to write what stood out the most. Well done Matt.

By: Christy Mon, 24 Jun 2024 06:27:57 +0000 As someone who once felt like Cara, your advice was spot on. She needs to learn to love herself and make herself more important than others. It is hard to make that change and it may be a lifetime challenge, but it feels amazing to standup for yourself and see others respond to that. I hope Cara finds her peace, that she feels joy, and she remains strong always looking out for herself because she knows she is worthy of everything amazing in life. What a beautiful exchange that you both shared. Thank you for sharing.

By: Susy Foster Mon, 24 Jun 2024 01:30:47 +0000 Kara’s story was mine. Only mine was 17.5 years. It took a long time and counseling to realize it’s not my story anymore. The who am I? Well I’m working on that everyday. I resonated with her story. My heart goes out to her. It’s a journey. I’m on it with her. Thank you Matthew

By: Michelle Sun, 23 Jun 2024 21:45:36 +0000 Shame is there to tell us we have trampled our own standards so we can change our behavior (not our standards:) ). While you may not like how long it has taken you to change your behavior, you have done it. The shame did its job and you have done and are doing yours. Done; no more need for shame.
Perhaps one’s authentic self is, if it were up to us, how we would show up regardless of who is with us. Perhaps put differently, if we knew everyone would like us no matter what, how would we show up; who would we be?

Brava well done

By: Brenda Sun, 23 Jun 2024 16:53:44 +0000 Holy man. I started bawling in the first 30 seconds. I realize I have to do more healing. I survived a 15 year VERY narcissistic relationship not only with my ex-hubby but also his 3 grown-up kids. I thought I was ok. Not emotionally tied to it anymore. But when Kara talked about her brother and her childhood I see such parallels that I had not thought of. And I am 62 years old. Wow is all I can say. Thank you for posting these each week.

By: Tamara Sun, 23 Jun 2024 14:16:42 +0000 Hi Matthew, I need to thank you for the valuable knowledge you share with us here and in the book. It has helped me tremendously.
I’m 57 and in a tricky situation: my narcissistic partner broke up with me 3 yrs ago after 21 yrs together. We have a house, 2 dogs and 2 adopted daughters together but she is formally the only parent and owner of dogs. I co-own the house but she also put in her name some land that we bought together. She tried to force me out of the house and kids’ life, but I stood up for myself and now we are in court over property, but really it’s the only way to get her to agree to shared custody. I cannot leave the house (lawyer’s advice) as I need to remain in my kids’ lives but I managed to make her understand I’m not going to be a free baby-sitter (have the resposibility and no rights, not even to plan an afternoon activity with the kids). Afrer reading your post I refused to take the disrespectful teen with me on vacation (which she wanted me to do so she can work) even after she threatened that the younger one won’t go in that case. I stood my ground and now I get consulted in advance and get to have more time with the kids. A huge step in the right direction. It is hard but I can tell that the prospect of selling the house will force her to give me custody and then I can finally close that chapter of my life. In the mean time, I’ve started salsa dancing, going out, travelling and getting my life together. I always remember Duran Duran’s line: “where is the life that I recognize?”
Well, I am bringing it back from the dead and I want to thank you for helping me do it.

By: Lijana Sun, 23 Jun 2024 12:54:31 +0000 Thank you very much. This video has a powerful message and has touched me a lot. I have found out I was Cara myself many times when I expected certain things from people to do for me. Your advice is amazing dear Matthew.

By: Ffyona Campbell Sun, 23 Jun 2024 12:53:05 +0000 So beautiful, thank you Cara and Matthew. Being guided to establishing inner peace is what’s resonating with me after watching this, its as though peace is soil, it’s earth for nonplants, its from there that all we long for can grow. Blessings on you x
