Comments on: Is the Person You’re Dating a Narcissist? Have The Love Life You Want Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:54:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: DO Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:54:27 +0000 I’ve watched this video four times now, having been made aware by the ex-wife of the man I had been dating for two years that he was a ‘manipulative narcissist’. It was only then that the penny dropped after almost two years of torment.
I had for some reason overlooked this personality disorder after months and months of seriously bad behaviour. Also, the word narcissist is everywhere nowadays, however, when I read up on the traits they fit the man I was with to a tee.

I fell in love with this man and fought for the love I thought we had as if my life depended on it. I gradually hated myself for it. I was constantly taken aback by the gas lighting which left me feeling worthless, unattractive and practically suicidal. I also found out he had an interest in prostitutes and a very serious addiction to pornography.

I left him and the tirade of abuse via text towards me was breathtaking, to say the least.
It’s only been 9 weeks but the constant torment has left me considering I change my number as these types have a habit of just turning up out of the blue. He also used mobile phones as either a weapon or items to control. As it’s such early days, every time my phone receives a message I think it’s him as he still texts me out of the blue. I’ve not been strong enough to ignore. I have no idea why I’ve blocked and unblocked him which makes things worse.

Hooking up with this man has been one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I wish had realised all this about him earlier but at least it was only two years. I am now speaking to someone about it.

Thank you for this video, the part, ‘both ways, stay or leave, are going to be very difficult but only one has some hope’ particularly helped me.

You cannot quite believe what is happening if you have the unfortunate experience of falling for a person who has this disorder. If I am to see the same signs again with another man I will run and I don’t say this lightly.

By: Kasia Fri, 16 Sep 2022 08:11:02 +0000 Leaving a narcissist literally saved my life…

How come a man can say he loves you, but he constantly hurt you?

I’m so ashamed to admit,but I was at the verge of a mental breakdown, because my Ex was exhausting me with notorious fights, then promises he changed, and the fairy tales would last for a few days,…but then he would hurt me again, etc.. After each fight, he had periods of ghosting me for several days, and during those days I just wanted to die..

I’m glad I found the strength to leave him for good.

But I still wonder…

Why do we love narcissistic people?

Is there something wrong with those who fall for narcissists?

By: Vanda Newman Thu, 15 Sep 2022 11:11:20 +0000 Hi Mattew, I just wanted to say that I have had a lot of help over the years. I am from the UK but moved to North America where my healing journey began. I am quite emotionally healthy now but, if I am honest don’t think the hour ever ends. Finding your website and listening to you is inspiring. You have such knowledge and put it across so solidly. Unlike a lot of psychologists you are so clever , well rounded, perceptive, knowledgeable, inspiring and put things in such a way that captures my (peoples attention). Thank you. Vanda x

By: Christy Lynn Tue, 13 Sep 2022 13:23:09 +0000 In reply to Cindy.


I believe for some of us our endless caring nature and empathy is an addiction. It’s a good feeling(confidence rush) to help, love, and forgive those people we are close to. The flip side is there are people who will selfishly use that to there advantage.

The fact is they put their own wants and needs before anyone else.
If they can’t do it because it causes friction in their life then they’ll do it secretively. Thus the being ghosted and rollercoaster ride begins.

I was raised with a narc mother which created the need for unconditional love and acceptance. It is easy for others to take advantage of a empathetic character. Therefore easy to fall back into the same type of relationships and we allow the patterns that fail. Hell we enable them 110% until we are depleted of life or they find a better energy source. I had a 13 year marriage and a 10yr boyfriend that kept me as a neighbor because he had 1000 reasons he didn’t want to commit but seen potential in the relationship. To salt it up a-little he never even once told me he loved me. Where was my confidence? I lived alone but was I afraid to be alone. I did not value myself or needs for years.

My point is it looks like MH is right it starts with us loving and respecting ourselves. I am 50 and starting life over again. This time I am starting with building healthy boundaries, base line standards, and confidence. No more unhealthy people pleasing or trying to win over there love by humbly proving my worth. MH says it best “Empathy can and will be used as a weapon against us by some people.”

By: Masoud Mon, 12 Sep 2022 09:43:52 +0000 Thank you for this video. Soon to leave my wife. We were dating for 3 years and there were many red lights, but I was kind to her and thought maybe she will change. Once I put the ring on, she become even more narcissist and blame me for her poor education/financial decision while we were dating. Soon to be divorce! The worst thing ever happen to me was getting married to her. The best thing ever happen to me would be to get divorce from her!

By: Cindy Mon, 12 Sep 2022 06:11:16 +0000 Wow Matthew, this is an amazing video!! Thank you for laying it out so clearly!!… narcisists have a full tool belt and they keep on using every possible tool on you. it ends up being a game of exhaustion, the narcissist is happy as they get their supply and are energised. A family therapist said the need to control is because of deep rooted insecurity. You explained very well what our role is in us enabling this behaviour by being overly flexible/understanding. It took myself having cancer, being on the brink of loosing my mind and my children being very unwell, for me to understand it will never change. Do you think also being kind is some sort of addiction too? and that’s why it is also hard to escape? It was utter disbelief that someone you love would do this to his whole family, l was paralysed for years, I’ve looked at the narcissist’s behaviour to understand my own, but seem to have a very hard time setting the full boundaries. Please, if you can, share what is possible on this topic, as like with many others, the narcissistic ex has all the power on the funds and nothing is easy. Despite separated it still keeps going on, it’s like being in a no escape room and like for others, it’s been happening for years. There’s a lot of shame and embarrassment involved in me, which I suppose is part of the full picture of feeling powerless at times to act. Many thanks Matthew!

By: Peggy Sun, 11 Sep 2022 22:59:20 +0000 I was in a marriage for 17 years, then divorced finally 6 months ago. I got married for the wrong reason—I was 30 years old, all my friends were married, I wanted children. I do have my twin boys, whom I love and hope they will not be like their father. I feel I left the marriage early enough so that they still respect me and love me.
My dad and sister are narcissistic and my mother and I are the empathic ones. My father was also an alcoholic. Growing up in the dysfunction seemed to make it very hard for me to see the “red flags” in people—work relationships, friends, or romantic partners. Being 52 years old now, I am a bit insecure still with this and how to deal with it.
I find your videos very helpful in teaching me about relationships and what a healthy relationship should be. I’ve had to put distance between myself and those that I thought were “helping” me, but instead were putting me down. I do have some very healthy friendships, but I still seem to have my guard up as it’s very difficult to trust others. I still have to “check” myself to make sure that I’m not the problem. I know it will get better now that I’m on my own, but the journey ahead at times seems lonely. I just keep pushing forward to find myself and love myself. I’ve got a lot to offer, but the damn wall I put up keeps others away.
Thank you, Matthew, for your insight, tools, gentleness, and compassion. I see this all in what you present. If only you were around doing this 30 years ago, maybe I’d be in a different position, but as you’ve said, I did what I could with what I had at that time. Perhaps the 20 and 30 somethings now will be so much better off.

By: Anna Sun, 11 Sep 2022 21:29:47 +0000 In reply to Casey.

Hi MH,
Your clips and advice is always great. Thanks for this. You are dead right on all of this. I was married to a covert narcissist for 21 years. He also had an addiction to sneaking and hiding and over time alcohol too. I didn’t figure the sneaking thing out until close to year four ( he was very good at it) and then we started a family and I was very preoccupied with kids and work.
At some point I realized he was no longer my best friend and was very stuck and did not grow except calling him out on bad behavior just made him a better sneak! I resolved that this was how it was, though a great disappointment. I believe strongly that no other person can make or keep you happy. So I took care of myself and found many outlets and endeavors and friends and was happy in spite of the grief of a non attentive husband who gave me gifts he wanted etc. My biggest problem in that stage was a tremendous ability to over function. I have far more energy than the average person, so that came naturally and my empathy cornered me to be overly gracious even when my good graces were abused by him.
One day I discovered he had been abusing our adopted daughter. That was a Rubicon. I had suspected something was amiss but never dreamed THAT. I made him tell the counselor we were seeing and the ball rolled forward into a living nightmare of sorts, but it was just that the nightmare was now exposed. He went to prison – pretty bizarre cause I’ve never known anyone in prison or who committed a serious crime. Our families are all upper middle class and well educated. It was a shock. It was hard for all but a huge relief and a huge relief to be without him. I’m pretty independent and enjoy being alone most of the time. It’s been 17 years, I raised my three children as their only parent. Do I wish for a good man in my life? Well yes. But my life is very happy and I have my dates but haven’t found a good match. No rush.
When you take responsibility for your own happiness and assert boundaries of what is acceptable and unacceptable, the right guy won’t gaslight you. A good partner is a growing one. A person who doesn’t grow can only be …uh dead, right? I had to work on my overfunctioning and learned to be aware of some boundaries with that. Now I use empathy better – it’s a great tool to communicate your wants and needs when your message it might be hard for the other to take.
Thanks for a well done piece and best to all who get stuck with a narcissist. And beware of the covert narcissist. They are a different breed and don’t present the way a regular one does.

By: Sonia Costa Sun, 11 Sep 2022 19:00:50 +0000 Thanks Matthew for this video. It came perfectly on time since I am currently struggling so much with myself as I met a guy who my gut feeling told me immediately was a narcissist but then he told me he’s been being on therapy for a while because he is a “bear” and can’t show his feelings. Being myself highly empat and a victim of narcissistic abuse (my dad) make my way out difficult even if nothing has happened between us and we have seen only once. I am on therapy and will discuss soon about this situation but I just want to congratulate with you because you really got the point! Did it ever happen to you to be stuck – even for a short time – with a narcissist woman?

By: jaden Sun, 11 Sep 2022 18:31:31 +0000 I left my narcissistic ex a month ago and i‘m doing better already. But the pain he caused in me is still there, every time something reminds me of him. i felt so devalued, he sometimes treated me like i was not worth his time or made me feel bad for stupid little things. it still hurts so bad… i was so good to him and when i told him it cant go on like this or tried to make him understand how he makes me feel, he made me feel guilty cuz i wouldnt accept him the way he was. I feel so angry and depressed with every thought of him. he wasted so much of my time and my happiness
