Comments on: Want a Commitment With Him? Do These 2 Things FIRST [+ Free Gift] Have The Love Life You Want Tue, 18 Aug 2020 09:52:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lisa Cecconi Tue, 18 Aug 2020 09:52:42 +0000 Hi, this is my story. I married a guy and immigrated to the states. Every thing was going great and then suddenly i I fell sick. The doctor took took swob and sent them off for enalises. They came back as possitive for herpes. I was devastated and felt unclean. I have not been in a relationship for 15 yrs. I was introduced to him via a friend. But the thing is hea went back to his hime country to visit his parents and family. He got stuck in his home country. I really like him a lot. We communicate via text on a regular basis. I have two questions how do i ascertain his intentions and how do i tell him i have herpes. I just need some guidence from yourself. Thank you for your time for reading this.

By: Melly Sat, 30 Nov 2019 17:31:48 +0000 I have a bit my problems with the first principle… because actually I’d never think “oh I want to stay with this person just for one year but I wouldn’t want to stay longer”. If I want a relationship, it’s because I feel like this person is good for me and he/she makes me happy in a longer term. Obviously this can change and I won’t be heartbroken forever if it doesn’t happen, but I always have the “intention” to go into a long-term relationship and not “just” a one-year thing. Is that wrong?

By: Melly Sat, 30 Nov 2019 17:25:57 +0000 Thanks for this! Really good video.
One question, maybe I just haven’t seen it yet, but do you also make/have videos about how to handle long distance relationships?

By: cristina Sun, 17 Nov 2019 19:19:04 +0000 Hi mathew, is there such a thing as all intension and no attraction? Some men who i’ve met has all the intention i want but dont give me enough attention. Is that even possible?
For example i met someone and we basically hit it off. He said that what he was looking for was a serious relationship. We talked about what we want in the future. My only problem is he can’t even send me a txt good morning or a good night which makes me feel like he doesnt even care. Ive hinted that i would appreciate a txt good morning or good night from him.
Am i being irrational or is it just because hes not giving me enough attention just a whole lot of intention?

By: Lyn Mon, 11 Nov 2019 10:38:12 +0000 Hi Mathew, we devorced 12 yrs ago. My daughter subscribed me to dating direct. My ex, with his pic, read my profile, but then using another man’s pic but forgot to change his details. (I knew he was my ex) he messaged “hi, and how are you.Are you you, like me,looking for your soulmate I message, yes, I thought I found once but sadly it wasn’t to be” He messaged back… Maybe we can fine our soulmate in each other” Then the next day not only was the pic not there but the message wasn’t either. I called D/D and they told me ” that can happen, the person unsubscribe. Matthew, could he still have feeling for me. I still love him.
