Comments on: Secret Video Access Have The Love Life You Want Tue, 01 Mar 2022 02:19:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Kelbie Sat, 22 Jan 2022 09:13:38 +0000 This is such a brilliant video. I’ve always been afraid of speaking as I feel (and have been told) that nobody wants to hear or care what I think/feel. Just to have that confidence in saying that I do matter and what I have to say is important through actions would be a game changer. I have always been put behind everyone/everything else and have gotten used to it. Now I’m getting older, I want to be/feel special, in just a small way. I feel that maybe I have something that might help another person no matter how small it may be. I’ll stop rambling now as you will have thousands of other messages to read that are much more important than mine. Thank you for your guidance and hope to see you one day.

By: Lara Sun, 26 Dec 2021 17:25:25 +0000 ♥]]> Warmed my heart and yes Alexandria and Matthew gave me reliefe and selfimpowerment. And I feel what you were describing Alex, Im batteling with it too and for real selflove, patience and the beliefe that there are good ppl out there saved the sinking ship in my mind. Hope you are doing better:)♥️♥️

By: Flor Sun, 10 Oct 2021 17:05:19 +0000 Wow…you know before watching this video I was feeling sorry for myself and a bit angry at myself for feeling the way I felt. The funny thing is that it took one video to feel less sorry for myself. Alexandria is very inspirational and it took her story to remind me that I’m not alone or that I’m not the only one that feels the way I do or is going through a rough time. Lots of people have insecurities and fears that stop them from moving on. I fear lack of confidence, a bit of independence, and maybe self worth. I hope to face my fears little by little and hope to be as inspirational just as Alexandria.

By: Kate Oleary Mon, 20 Sep 2021 20:18:41 +0000 That was a lovely video. My son and his friend that lives with me suffer from anxiety. I have had some issues too myself. You helped her break through her fear using humor and empathy and it was really amazing! I have gone through a really challenging journey of trauma and heartbreak and with help from many have come out on the other side for the most part and I am in the process of building a new life for myself and there are times when it just all feels so daunting and scary. But I keep finding ways to push through and listening to you does help. I am in a brand new relationship (a friend who became and love interest) which is almost reaching a year mark and I am always looking for tips and guidance so I don’t make the same mistakes I made in my 30 year marriage that blew up in my face. Not that I am blaming myself ro that blow up but I know that there are some things I could have done better and hope to do tetter this time around.

By: Suhrita Saha Mon, 20 Sep 2021 16:32:16 +0000 ]]> It was a beautiful video I just saw.Thanks Matthew for sharing biggest fear was not to be able to speak English fluently,as I understand it well but can’t speak,it was a challenge for me but nowadays I m learning it well,Nd I usually get lot of motivation when I watch your videos.thers was a time after my break up I was really stuck in my life, couldn’t sleep,eat nothing,those were most horrible days in my life.but at present I m happy that the relationship has been ended Nd I believe it was a blessing for me not a of now I love myself the way I am,i believe that past we can’t change Nd future we can’t predict only present we have to live in a good way.I believe in Universe , everything happens for a reason,we should trust the process Nd move on without wasting much time,as time is really precious in life,if you waste you will not get it back.Thanks Matthew, lot’s of love to you from Kolkata,in India.stay blessed always ❤️

By: Samantha Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:40:08 +0000 One of my biggest fears last year was to leave an unhappy marriage of 25 years . I conquered that. I survived.
Fast forward to 10 months , and I’m now dating a man who I like very much and I know he likes me . We’ve been dating for 2 months .
He has told me he is not ready for a relationship right now ,even though it feels like we are in one . He still has lose ends to tie up with his ex wife. I.e. property , financials .
But he still wants us to keep dating. I’m ok with this , for now , but will it ever progress ?In time , who knows ?
I’m trying to find that bravery again to have that difficult conversation with him that I need more , and i deserve more , in fear of losing him.
Life is so difficult, but I’m doing the best I can.

By: Ula Mon, 13 Sep 2021 15:52:21 +0000 this reminded me of the first time I had to present at a work conference in my early 20s and I was absolutely terrified in the moments before I stepped onto the stage. Matthew has an absolute gift for bringing the best out in people. Alexandria made my heart stop when she mentioned feelings of suicide; that is so tragic to hear. It such a shame that we cause ourselves so much pain by feeling less than we are. Self acceptance is so important and what I look forward to finding on the virtual retreat in two weeks.

By: Pauline Fri, 10 Sep 2021 05:14:59 +0000 Beautiful to see Alexandria taking so many bold steps despite what feeling within. Alexandria was challenging herself to combat public speaking from the moment she put her hand up. Your natural style Matthew with empathy and humor puts your audience including the viewers at ease. No matter what we go through, the limitations we place upon ourselves – somewhere there is the ability to laugh at ourselves as we break through anxiety/fear too. Everyone has a voice and story to tell that can inspire others, or even to share knowledge and understanding to enable others. Yet, not everyone feels comfortable to get up on stage and deliver….there is a root cause. The true self, the shy person inside has something valuable to share too.
Thank you Matthew and Alexandria for shining your light.

By: Marina Thu, 19 Aug 2021 21:48:28 +0000 Alexandria you made me cry.. I’m really proud of you. Thanks Matthew for taking me closer to such an incredibleand brave woman. I love the way to change the focus point from HOW TO GET THE GUY to HOW TO BE A BETTER ME the guy is secondary. THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING

By: Sara Kristen Fri, 13 Aug 2021 00:21:55 +0000 One of the biggest fears I’ve been really struggling with has been trying to start my own business. I battle with the fear of success and failure at the same time because of how I see myself deep down. I know the negative thoughts I have about myself are B.S. but it’s been extremely difficult in getting rid of them and see myself for who I really am. I absolutely loved this video. I definitely was crying a bit. Thank you for sharing this.
