Comments on: The Best Way To Avoid Rejection From Guys Have The Love Life You Want Mon, 01 Nov 2021 06:44:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Avin Fri, 14 Sep 2018 06:21:54 +0000 People please help! I have a crush on a guy that likes me back but thing is that both of us are afraid to ask. I’m scared that by any chance if i ask him and he says no and i’ll get teased by everyone. My friends are offering to somehow ask him if he’s allowed to date and who his crush is so i know! Any tricks or hacks would be amazing and well appreciated!

By: Paula Jones Sat, 27 Jan 2018 07:21:51 +0000 There’s a guy that my uncle told me about that works with him. He told me that he seemed really nice, shy and he was a handsome man. He thought I may be interested. Naturally I was curious so I found his facebook page. I found that I was completely attracted to him. I friend requested him in the hope that he would see me and hopefully find me attractive. I quickly realized he doesn’t go on fb very often. I got my uncle to tell him that he had a friend request and that I just did it cause they work together. He did go to fb accepted my request and hasn’t been back on. I had thought about writing him a note with my # so if he was interested he could call or text and have my uncle give it to him. I’m not sure what to say or if it’s even a good idea. The only reason I came up with this plan is because I never see him,there is never a reason to go to my uncles work. What should I do ?

By: starrkeisha Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:23:12 +0000 i still don’t think i’m ready to talk to him. it’s just everytime i get around him i get all nervous and shaken up. besides he has a girlfriend but me and him r still friends. he doesn’t know that i had a crush on him for 4 years 5 months and today would make 2 weeks. but there is this nother boy who’s funny and makes me laugh like nobody does. but the only problem is it’s my B.F.B best friends BROTHER!!!. PLEASE HELP ME I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO

By: Wago Kakusa Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:20:48 +0000 hey
am Wago Kakusa,just wanted to help me with rejection problem.the best what i wanted,a simple text or massage to stop recting or not responding my call or text.
I would be happy if you can really help me because it hurts me.

By: Helen Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:04:40 +0000 In reply to Vanessa.

Wow, that sucks Vanessa! I had the same situation a few years back when I was just ready to really start dating; a friend I’d had for years would always make a point of interrupting conversations with dudes and talk of things she knew I didn’t engage with. I thought I was paranoid, but it happened so many times I knew I wasn’t just being jealous.
So, step one: TALK TO HER ABOUT IT. We chatted over coffee at my place as she could leave any time and it was private there. She didn’t say much, but denied doing it – I thought maybe she hadn’t realised and thinking that now I’d told her she might not do it any more we left on friendly terms. If you’re not comfortable talking with your friend or it goes badly when you do, consider how much of a friend you actually consider her.
Step two: See what changes, and if nothing does, she may not really be a friend. If you like her still, you could be more choosey about where you go with her, however from my experience, I recommend reconsidering her company! I still see my friend, but we never go out to ‘Party’ together. It changed our friendship, but for the better!

By: Lisa Wed, 11 Jun 2014 02:43:45 +0000 Okay, it’s like this, ladies:
1. Don’t fall asleep in the mashed potatoes, okay? No one wants a lush or bored date and no one is impressed if you agree to a date only to ask aloof. I know everyone tells you to play hard to get, but think about how great you’d feel if you planned something to surprise and impress someone and they were bored. Yeahhhh.
2. Don’t plan the wedding before the first, second or 100th date. We all do it, we get carried away. It’s the fairytale – he seems perfect – but until you know his middle name and have met his mommy, your job is to be grateful and have fun. Make decisions if you feel like you’re wasting time – yours or his – and move along. That’s what dating is about!
3. Never feel weak for being “a girl.” That doesn’t mean go bananas, shamelessly. Just don’t feel badly about the pretty things you like, or crying in a movie on a movie date. Be you! And love you.

Bonus: if he offers, get dessert. Thank me later. Tootles!

By: Emi Wed, 31 Jul 2013 09:09:36 +0000 I really would like to know, how you do not take something personally, how you don’t care?! The hole word is about others opinions, and I could say, I’m almost all right, cause in most situations, I just don’t really care… but when something really matters, there is always someone, friends, colleagues, mentors, or just a cute man around a corner, who is just watching a bit at your direction, and at the moment you do something brave (like talk to a stranger), someone who actually matters a bit, will surely look at your way, and bammmm if you get rejected, they will see it, hear it, and no matter what I say, I will still be embarrassed…because I care, IF someone who matters is there, especially true, if someone stupid starts making jokes about my mistake later on, just to entertain others.
My usual reaction, to bad jokes, or embarrassing situations, is to make fun of another person, I do it because I’m embarrassed, but I do it so “good” that I can make even a grown up man feel ashamed. The problem is that I do it naturally, the result is that most people think the first couple of times we meet, that I’m smart, but very rude, but the fact is, that I’m usually just protecting myself from embarrassment, by putting it on others. I know it is bad, but I don’t know how to stop it, when the shame/embarrassment comes close, I panic and immediately pass it on to someone else standing close to me.
So please tell me how do I get, that horrible feeling of embarrassment out of my heart?

By: Vanessa Thu, 18 Jul 2013 01:35:38 +0000 Hello my name is Vanessa and I need your help with this . So I had this friend who always seems to kinds “take” guys away from me. Like I could be in a conversation with a guy and she will just boo in to it. Then the next thing you know the guy I was talking to is now talking to her, ( it’s not that I don’t want to join into the conversation but she always changes the topic to some thing that I don’t know about ir have NO interest at all in talking about) please help!

By: Carla Thu, 09 May 2013 18:02:48 +0000 In reply to Aubrey.

Aubrey, I wouldn’t have taken it personal, due to the fact he was “working” and if you were up front and center, I don’t think they ever look there! :-) As you probably have heard that when on stage, not to look at people, look over, or see them naked! lol… I know your post was a while ago, but felt like answering any how…. blessings! You probably dating someone new by now or him.

By: dave Thu, 03 Jan 2013 17:40:01 +0000 i think that I am learning from these posts that women see “rejection” in very different way from men. For guys, you actually approach the women and try to strike up a conversation with her which might or might not lead to something and could lead to rejection.
It looks like women can feel rejected if they are in the area and men do not seem to take notice ,or take notice
in a manner that the women did not appreciate. What a difference!
